January 2, 2013

New Years

Happy new years!  For the next few weeks the greenhouses are empty of greens.  (For those of you in New England you'll notice the picture below definitely was not taken this week!  I cleaned out the greenhouses before Christmas.)  I'll start planting again mid-January.  In the meantime I am moving numbers around, analyzing them and planning for the upcoming season.  The big question is what variety of spinach should I use to avoid downy mildew? 

1 comment:

  1. What a nice way to start the New Year, with a clean slate! I don't know much about spinach, but I'm sure the farmers practicing season extension might have a few suggestions. I think Meadow's Mirth, Riverside Farm/Garen's Greens, Hollister Family Farm, and Heron Pond Farm at the Winter Farmers' Market all do spinach...
