June 19, 2013
Thesis defense date set (the end is in sight)
It has been quite around here recently hasn't it? With my thesis defense just one month away I've been working on the not-so-fun parts to research - writing. The goal is to have useful growing information ready for use ready about the same time since most of it will be part of the thesis anyways. So, the end is in sight and quickly approaching!
June 13, 2013
Greens in the garden
We went away for a long weekend and came back to a garden bursting with greens. The swiss chard above is interplanted with leeks. I chopped it down, and pulled some plants out to give the leeks more room to grow.
The other green I pulled out was the vitamin green. I had such high hopes that it would push through the bug problems but I was wrong. Or maybe I'm just too lazy to deal with all the bugs. Hole-y leaves aren't that appetizing anyways. So I pulled it all out and planted basil in it's place. I'll try planting it again later this year and keep row covers on to keep the bugs out!
We have a lot of other vegetables growing in our garden, like the scallions above. Aren't they cool looking when they emerge? Our garden neighbor is growing a lot of mesculn mix (above right). I counted at least five varieties of greens. Can you name any of them?