January 22, 2014

What's been happening behind the scenes

A fair amount has happened since I last posted something (in December!):

1) I defended, finished my thesis and graduated.

That's what seven copies of my thesis looks like.  It looks a lot like donuts, but much heavier.

2) I went on a real vacation and visited a farm where papaya volunteers dot the fields of salad greens.

3) I moved to a new state (New York).

What's in the future for wintergreens?

Now that my thesis is (finally!) complete, I'm focusing on research reports and cooperative extension publications.  You can see a compiled list in the new "research reports" tab at the top of the page.  We've got a few publications that will be ready soon. 

I've also got a new project to work on that encompasses the same ideas as wintergreens: local, wintertime salad production, but in a different direction than the projects of the last two years.  More on that in the next few weeks!

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